ECOffins are eco-friendly coffins which provide for a truly distinctive funeral. We believe they will transform your experience of death and facilitate healing as the coffin becomes a canvas to express love and loss. The use of ECOffins is not only a gesture of kindness towards the planet, but is a unique way to celebrate the life of the deceased.
Invented and patented in Singapore, ECOffins are made mostly of paper.They are lightweight but sturdy, capable of carrying up to 150kg. They are suitable for both cremation and burial.

Dr. Ng Khee Yang, Inventor
ECOffins were developed by Dr Ng Khee Yang, an inventor interested in sustainability and the environment. Trained as a Civil Engineer, Dr. Ng ventured into water microbiology studies for his PhD in Civil Engineering. This experience triggered his interest in Environmental Engineering and the desire to find answers using innovations derived from a multi-disciplinary approach.
He joined Singapore Polytechnic in 1998 and for a time was the Center Director of the Centre for Applications in Environmental Technology (CAET). In July 2013 he left Singapore Poly to venture into the private sector.
Besides the ECOffin, Dr. Ng has been involved in R&D for the NEWater project and has also acted as principal investigator of several environmental-related industry projects. His latest venture is ECO-Applications Pte Ltd which makes applications of natural enzymes used to break down foul air pollutants, improving the indoor air quality in homes, offices, hotels and factories.
“I thrive on solving real-world environmental issues with innovative and creative use of technology. I get my inspiration from various sources and from watching the world around me. A lot of experimentation then goes into perfecting the design and turning raw ideas into workable products. The challenge with the ECOffin was to ensure a sturdy design that would support the weight of the deceased. In the early stages this meant getting volunteers to lie inside the ECOffin while others carried them around! We tested various materials and structures and eventually came upon an elegant design which I am proud to market as ECOffin today.”
National University of Singapore Research Scholarship, 1991. Singapore Polytechnic’s Excellence, Teaching Award, 2002; Singapore Polytechnic’s Green Buddy Award, 2002; Singapore Polytechnic’s Nova Gold Award for Innovations, 2004; Singapore Accreditation Council’s Technical Assessor Award (Bronze), 2005; Singapore Accreditation Council’s Technical Assessor Award (Silver), 2006;
Singapore Accreditation Council’s Technical Assessor Award (Gold), 2009; Singapore Accreditation Council’s Technical Assessor Award (Distinguished), 2011; Singapore Polytechnic’s Excellence, R&D Award, 2011. Singapore Polytechnic’s Excellence, R&D Award, 2012; BCA-SGBC ( Singapore Green Building Council) Green Building Individual Commendation Award, 2014.

Love & Light Coffin
Love & Light is made of white corrugated cardboard reinforced with a plywood base. It is a six sided coffin shape. The interior is lined with white satin. It includes a clear perspex viewing window.

Green Fields Casket
Green Fields is made of non-bleached corrugated cardboard reinforced with a plywood base. It is rectangular shaped and has no viewing window. The interior is lined with champagne coloured satin. It has the highest percentage of recycled materials of the ECOffin designs.

Celebrating Life, Expression & Healing
ECOffins are very different: they encourage mourners to express their love and loss in a way that is positive and life affirming. By allowing mourners to share messages of love directly on the coffin, the wake becomes a celebration of the deceased’s life.
Even children, who are usually bored or frightened by wakes, find that they can participate by drawing pictures and adding decorations. This helps remove some of their fear and lets them learn to see death as a part of the cycle of life.
The end result is that each ECOffin is a unique display of creativity, love and sharing. Reading such messages is very comforting to close family and friends, helping them to heal in the knowledge of how the deceased was special and so loved.
For all mourners, being able to write a farewell message on the coffin is very meaningful. It a chance to say thanks and good-bye. Whether or not you believe in an afterlife, the process of leaving a message gives one the feeling that there has been a real communication with the person lost. It lets you express yourself in a way that is both private and public, in a setting where speaking words may be too emotional or difficult.
“I love you. I will miss you. Thanks for everything.”